The Classic British Isles Buses website

Henry's Coastal Tours, Portstewart

Page last updated on 13 August 2024

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Introduction Company history Fleet details


Appendix A: Cars, taxis and lorries

Cars and taxis


Appendix B:

Charabancs and buses

Appendix C:

Hackney licences granted to the Portstewart area in 1923


Licences granted

S. R. Henry


John Tinsley


Peter Doherty


Daniel Reid






Appendix D:

Invoice for GM 657 dated January 9th 1926

Appendix E:

Invoice for IW 5068 dated June 29th 1935

Appendix F:

Details of full-time employees of Henry's Coast Tours


Daniel Clarke McKinney was employed for 38 years (1896 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s plus free rent. Died on November 17th 1935.

Bus drivers

Thomas McGuiness was employed for 10 years (July 1925 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.

George Scott Turbit was employed for 14 years (May 24th 1921 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.

James Martin was employed for 7 years (23rd June 1928 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.

John Wallace was employed for 15 years (May 1920 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.

David Bacon was employed for 15 years (June 1920 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.

Bus/lorry drivers

James Spence was employed for 3 1/2 years (14th July 1932 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.

Robert Brown Kennedy was employed for 2 1/2 years (1st May 1933 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.

William Glenholmes was employed for 1 year (12th June 1934 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.

Lorry drivers

Robert Finlay was employed for 2 1/2 years (17th April 1933 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.


William Dunlop was employed for 5 years (8th August 1930 to 1935) - average weekly wage £3 8s 6d.


Thomas Johnston was employed for 9 years (June 1925 to 1935) - average weekly wage £2 5s.

Details of temporary employees of Henry's Coast Tours

Bus drivers

Alexander McGuiness was employed from June 1925 to 1935 (summer season only) - average weekly wage £2 8s 6d.

James Lynas was employed from June 27th 1932 to 1935 (summer season only) - average weekly wage £2 8s 6d.

John Murray was employed from 8th June 1929 to 1935 (summer season only + 2 years full-time) - average weekly wage £2 2s 6d.

Joseph McClelland was employed from 17th June 1935 (summer season only) - average weekly wage £2 2s 6d.

Lorry drivers

William Elliott was employed from 18th June 1934 to 1935 (summer season only) - average weekly wage £1 15s.

Alexander McClements was employed from 1st July 1935 (summer season only) - average weekly wage £1 15s.


Evelyn Thompson was employed from 2nd July 1934 to 1935 (one summer season + full-time) - average weekly wage £1 11s.

Bus conductors

Robert Logan was employed from June 1925 to 1935 (summer seasons only + 2 years full-time) - average weekly wage £1 12s 6d.

James McCracken was employed from 12th June 1934 to 1935 (summer seasons only) - average weekly wage £1 12s 6d.

Henry Bradley was employed from 24th June 1935 (summer season only) - average weekly wage £1 12s 6d.

William Doherty was employed from 24th June 1935 (summer season only) - average weekly wage £1 12s 6d.

James Ross was employed from 20th June 1930 to 1935 (summer seasons only) - average weekly wage £1 15s.


Bernard Diamond was employed from 11th June 1934 to 1935 (summer seasons only) - average weekly wage £1 17s 6d.

Daniel Steele McKinney was employed from 25th February 1935 (summer season only) - average weekly wage £1 5s.


Archibald Hamilton was employed from 15th July 1932 to 1935 (summer seasons only + one year full-time) - average weekly wage £1 5s.

Assistant Clerk

Jubilee Maxwell was employed from 2nd July 1934 to 1935 (summer seasons only) - average weekly wage £1.

Appendix G:

Northern Ireland Road Transport Board

Particulars asked for from undertakings which are being acquired

Name of Company

Property and Buildings.


Situation or Address.

Tenure (Fee farm grant, Leasehold or yearly letting as the case may be. Rent (where applicable) and any important restrictions in title).

Date of Acquisition or Erection (where property owned).

Purchase price or cost (where property owned) including cost of additions.

Particulars of any Mortgages or Charges.

Particulars of Employees.

List of Employees.

Surname_____________ Christian Name_____________

Occupation and date of entry into employment.

Rate of salary or wage.

Date and amount of last increase of remuneration and amount.

Wages and hours of each class of employee. State whether employed under Trade Union conditions.

Particulars of any agreement with Trade Union to be given.

Insurance policies.

Name of company.

Policy number.

Date taken out.

Nature of risk covered.

Annual premium.

Date paid up to.

Amount of cover.

Buses, lorries and motor cars.

Maker and description.

Registration number.

Engine number.

Chassis number.

Seating or loading capacity.

Date of first registration.

From whom purchased with date.

New or second-hand.

Original cost if purchased new.

Price paid if purchased second-hand.

If on hire purchase, the name of the finance company with terms and present position of repayments. Similar particulars with regard to any vehicles sold, scrapped or otherwise disposed of during period covered by account (see below), with date of sale and price realised.

Whether owned by operator or supplied under mileage agreement with manufacturers. If the latter, give particulars of agreement.

Information regarding the foregoing headings is urgently required and it is requested that same be forwarded in duplicate as soon as possible without waiting for the completion of the remaining particulars.

Machinery and plant.

Situation. Under each location an inventory giving : Description of machine. Makers name etc. Date of acquisition or construction. Purchase price or cost if constructed by operator. Particulars of any hire purchase agreements.

Fittings and fixtures

Situation. Under each location an inventory giving : Description for purposes of valuation.

Stocks of stores, spare parts etc.

These will have to be taken as at date of transfer when stock sheets will be neccessary.

Statistical information.

Passenger traffic.

Service mileage. Total per annum.

Dead mileage. Total per annum.

Number of vehicles owned at date of each balance sheet.

Number of vehicles licensed at date of each balance sheet.

Average of miles per bus per year.

Number of passengers carried.

Single ticket equals one passenger.

Return ticket equals two passengers.

Limited travel tickets. Number of journeys equals number of passengers.

Season tickets. Estimated number of passengers to equal estimated number of journeys (state basis of estimate). Complete timetables and fare lists at present in force.

Goods traffic.

Mileage. Total per annum.

Number of vehicles owned at date of each balance sheet, number of vehicles licensed at date of each balance sheet.

Average miles per lorry per year.

Particulars of any tarriff issued.

No account to be taken of goods traffic carried on passenger vehicles.


Particulars of any contracts in force.

Note: It is requested that the foregoing information be forwarded in duplicate.


Certified copies of Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets (as normally prepared) covering the year 1932 and thence forward up to last balance sheet preceding date of acquisition and including balance sheet at beginning of period covered. If undertaking in existence for less period, then such accounts and balance sheets as are available. There is no need to prepare accounts for the broken period between date of last balance sheet and date of requisition. It is requested that adjustments or modifications of the normal accounts deemed necessary be furnished separately. Particulars of any charges or bills of sale affecting assets.

Name and address of Accountant or other agent (if any).

Particulars and any enquiries regarding same to be sent to:

Muir and Addy,

7 Donegall Square West, Belfast.

Appendix H:

Details of claim and award.





















Tyre deficiency





Lorries & Taxis










Plant & Machinery





Garage Equipment





Spares and equipment










Interest to 23/2/1938 (less 25% income tax)





Total paid


Appendix I:

Letter from Northern Counties Committee to Major Speir dated 25th February 1937.


S. S. Henry, Portstewart

This gentleman's Road Motor activities included merchandise per lorry, summer omnibus services, tours (including mystery tours) and hackney cars. He also executed running repairs to motor cars, sold petrol and was a coal merchant.

He had two garages, one of which he was supposed to have handed over to the N. I. R. T. B. as being of no service to him when lorries and buses were absorbed, although subsequently he used the ground floor of this garage which on top has a dance hall, let to cinema proprietor for the summer months, and two dwelling houses, both with tenants residing therein.

He held route cards authorising buses to run between Portstewart and Portrush and between York Hotel, Portstewart and Strand during summer months, including Sundays.

His profits were partly due to poor condition of service and low wages paid to his drivers and conductors and it was well known that the hours of duty were 12 to 16 per day according to requirements of work to do. Owing to this fact he secured many long distance private hire trips as other operators paying a reasonable wage with shorter hours could not quote so cheaply as Mr. Henry, and I presume this feature will be strongly stressed when compensation for loss of services is being considered.

Up till 27th July 1931, Mr. Henry delivered goods and parcels traffic between Portstewart station and Portstewart town, and in addition to bus services already mentioned he operated (with a subsidy from N. C. C.) a service between Portstewart town and station till 1st January 1933, from which date it was operated by the N. C. C.

For some considerable time after the Road Board took over his entire machines he did not operate any services and for a period employed Board lorries to deliver his coal, but subsequently and at the moment, he has one hackney car and one lorry. I may say that the names on the lorry are S. S. Henry and H. J. Henry, the latter having a grocery business and, as there is no doubt this particular lorry is plying for work of any description, it would seem that Mr. Henry, having sold his road interests, ought not to compete against the Road Board.

As an example, we employed him on 14th July 1936 to collect and deliver luggage in Portstewart as on that date Road Board lorries were not working.

Yours obediently,


Any corrections to the content of this website, or copies of additional photos, tickets, publicity material or other information would be gratefully received and added to the archive.

Compiled by S. R. Henry, September 2004.

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